This is our narrative map, we created this in order to help us while making the music video, we went through the song, and marked the chorus and wrote down the time, so we know what shots to put during the chorus'.
- Every chorus we decided to have shots of Yagmur and Selcan as the music is upbeat and it is recurring, to represent the past memories.
- When the chorus ends the verse starts, this is the slower part of the song, it gives us more time to understand the protagonists loneliness and set a down atmosphere. We have the protagonist alone exploring, however we will have hints of past memories with Selcan throughout.
- The 'Last Part/Final Verse' is where we will have the shots of the graveyard where the protagonist goes to visit the friend at her gave, and leaves her valuable and symbolic book on the grave. The music is much faster towards the end, and we will have distorted shots of the past memories.