Monday 6 October 2014

Inspiration - Safwana


The music video inspired me and my partner, therefore we decided to use aspects of the video and model it in our own. The video is in colour as well as in black and white, as our initial ideas involve having two worlds, one being reality while the other being the dream world, we are going to make reality in black and white while the dream world in colour. The dark colours in the music video will go with out song and story line, also the video has a narrative, which is also what we are planning to do, and finally the fast cuts will be in sync with the music that we are planning to use.

Also we planned to use a DSLR camera and create a stop motion video, like I mentioned earlier we have two worlds, the reality world will be in video while the dream world will be in photos, this is because the stop motion is not smooth and this will create a more distorted vision, showing that our dreams can be distorted and to imitate the idea of how we perceive our dreams, and how we are not able to remember them fully.

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